Monday, November 30, 2009
1868 Russian reflection on capital punishment
"... the chief and worst pain may not be in the bodily suffering but in one's knowing for certain that in an hour, and then in ten minutes, and then in half a minute, and then now, at the very moment, the soul will leave the body and that one will cease to be a man and that that's bound to happen; the worst part of it is that it's certain.
... To kill for murder is a punishment incomparably worse than the crime itself. Murder by legal sentence is immeasurably more terrible than murder by brigands... Anyone murdered by bringands... must surely hope to escape till the very last minute. But in the other case all that last hope, which makes dyingten times as easy, is taken away for certain. There is the sentence, and the whole awful torture lies in the fact that there is certainly no escape, and there is no torture in the world more terrible.
... Who can tell whether human nature is able to bear this without madness?"
this will be a kind of:
"prison-indigenous land-violation-occupation-rediscover-conscience and consciousness-crime and punishment-liberation-redepmtion kind of piece"
- Malavika Mohanan, friend/collaborator
* * * * * *
"There is also something that I came across today. Jeremey Bentham, great English philospher, came up with this extraordinary plan for a type of prison The Panopticon
"Morals reformed— health preserved — industry invigorated — instruction diffused — public burthens lightened — Economy seated, as it were, upon a rock — the gordian knot of the poor-law not cut, but untied — all by a simple idea in Architecture!"
What a quote! (upon a rock)
Here's more
- Jessica Joffe, friend/collaborator
night on the rock
sleepless sleepover on the rock
like kids all night exploration
rubble piles, roof tops, skeleton architecture against the sky
open spaces sprawling and closed trapped corners
envisioning stunts, fights, flight
shifting and opening souls
the power of the game of "yes", you who know the one, and in the cell house at that.
fire circle - ritual of building our first prayer bundle
without a forced sense of solemnity,
the power presents itself with ease
but my lungs crushed in the cell at 5am
when i tried to lie down and rest
finding i can navigate the weight of space when i'm in motion
working, engaging, activating
but to be still.
to sit with it
just sit and be still with it ?
i physically can not breathe.
escaped to sunrise vista
and an hour of sleep outside under the lighthouse
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
sleepover/ beginnings...
Saturday, November 7, 2009
What is SuperMax?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Thoughts from the field
listening with the bones
Many reminders and new discoveries…
LINKS and assignments
If anyone is excited and some time visit either the Presidio Park Archives or the San Bruno Prison Archives, we’d love it!
THANKS as ever to the wonderful support team at CounterPULSE, our fiscal sponsor.