Wednesday, March 31, 2010

eat cake and read hamlet

April 23, 2010

William S. turns 446.
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark turns 387.

Join WE for a read through of HAMLET.

Friday 4.23
at OCSC (sailing school)
1 Spinnaker Way, Berkeley

We'll read from the current working-cut. Help shape the final version, for performance on The Rock.

Various people will read various parts
(rsvp if you'd like a scene assignment)

it will be a working session
with birthday cake !



Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring. Birth. Give. Create.

Dear Friends

please consider donating right now!

$5, $10, $20, $50
whatever you can give
it all adds up
each one of us
makes many of us
makes we
and gives WE the fuel to carry on.

(consider it a birthday present to me ;)

we have an incredible cast and team and crew
but we have a long way to go to fund the project
please help us.

click the DONATE button to your left now!



Friday, March 19, 2010

How much more ?

You hafta look at this article, . Lonnie Morris, San Quentin lifer, convicted cop-killer, and by almost all accounts (not counting the San Pablo PD and the dead Cop's family) he's a model of rehab, reform, redemption, all the re-s. Somehow he got turned around, more like he turned himself around, but he can't get paroled. Somehow he become a murderer and then somehow he managed to find redemption ? How do you change from being a murderer ? If a man changes, finds a new self, gets reformed in prison, does this mean that the system worked ? We say this about lots of other programs when people complain of money wasted, 'but if one person is helped?'. What is it about about Lonnie Morris and Alcatraz cons like John Banner, Leon 'Whitey' Thompson, Jim Quillen, who received a Presidential Pardon or Darwin Coon who fostered nine children after he got out, that enabled them to change in jail and why is it that other men can't or couldn't, men like Alcatraz cons Robert Stroud and Henri Young ? Is it some kind of program that changes men, or is it something else, some inner quality, a spiritual experience, or that human desire to be free ? You know the story about the Zen master that ordered a hot dog from the street vendor asking for "One with everything" and handed over a Five. When the vendor didn't give him anything back, he asked for his change and the vendor replied "Ah, change must come from within". How much more does Lonnie Morris have to change ? What would happen to him if he did ? What is this really about ?

Sunday, March 14, 2010


A thank you to Sharon Daniels for this powerful website.

"Don't ask, don't tell." 

What are the rocks we choose not to look under? What things  are out in the open that we choose to ignore, choose to pretend don't exist? Is it a conscious choice? Where does the fear of knowing come from? Is there ever such a thing as knowing too much? 

An exploration: 

Public Secrets.  

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

gathering the troupes

auditions were awesome
thank you to all of you who came out to play!

still working on final callbacks and decisions
we will post our cast list soon!